SAMHSA Releases Annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health

is alcoholism a mental illness

The survey, released Tuesday by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, serves as a reminder of the severity of the nation’s ongoing substance use and mental health crises. And it highlights, too, that even for those seeking help for a substance use or mental health disorder, treatment is often unavailable. Rates of mental illness and substance use remained largely stable in 2023, according to federal data, underscoring the severity of the long-running U.S. mental health crisis and worst-in-the-world rates of illicit drug use.

  1. These patients either resemble severely mentally ill people who have never experienced AUD (Drake et al. 1996a) or rate between non-AOD users and current users on many clinical and functional measures (Kovasznay 1991; Ries et al. 1994).
  2. A second researcher (P.I.) reviewed a random sample of 10% of titles, abstracts and full texts and checked against the first author’s screening to establish reliability for inclusion.
  3. As noted previously, for patients with more severe disorders or symptoms, consult a psychiatrist (one with an addiction specialty, if available) for medication support, as well as a therapist with an addiction specialty for behavioral healthcare.
  4. Theories suggest that for certain people drinking has a different and stronger impact that can lead to alcohol use disorder.

By the numbers: America’s alcohol-related health problems are rising fast

Third, AUD and PTSD have shared risk factors, such as prior depressive symptoms and significant adverse childhood events. Many people with alcohol use disorder hesitate to get treatment because they don’t recognize that they have a problem. An intervention from loved ones can help some people recognize and accept that they need professional help. If you’re concerned about someone who drinks too much, ask a professional experienced in alcohol treatment for advice on how to approach that person. If your pattern of drinking results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life, you likely have alcohol use disorder. However, even a mild disorder can escalate and lead to serious problems, so early treatment is important.

How can you prevent alcohol use disorder?

Second, the medical records indicated that the patient’s previous bout of depression and suicidal ideation had improved with abstinence and supportive and group psychotherapy during his prior hospitalization. At that time, the patient had been transferred to the hospital’s alcoholism treatment unit after 2 weeks, where he had learned some of the principles that had led to his longest abstinence harbor house sober living review of 18 months. Schematic representation of a diagnostic algorithm for evaluating psychiatric complaints in patients for whom alcoholism may be a contributing factor. The algorithm helps the clinician decide if the compliants represent alcohol-induced symptoms, or an alcohol-induced syndrome that will resolve with abstinence, or an independent psychiatric disorder that requires treatment.

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Instead, studies generally reported the overall SES characteristics of the total sample and did not provide the required data stratified by SES. People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) cannot control how much they need and desire alcohol and, as a result, consume it in amounts that can lead to severe health issues. Genetics may make some individuals more susceptible, but a person’s environment plays an important part. Most people will feel better in a couple weeks, and the depression will get better.

First, the patient had stated that his depression started about 1 week before admission, after his wife and family members confronted him about his drinking. This confrontation triggered a more intense drinking binge that ended only hours before his arrival in the emergency room. The patient complained of irritable mood and increased feelings of guilt during the past week, and he admitted he had been drinking heavily during that period. However, he denied other symptoms and signs of a major depressive episode during that period. In general, it is helpful to consider psychiatric complaints observed in the context of heavy drinking as falling into one of three categories—alcohol-related symptoms and signs, alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes, and independent psychiatric disorders that co-occur with alcoholism. People with AUD and co-occurring psychiatric disorders bring unique clinical challenges tied to the severity of each disorder, the recency and severity of alcohol use, and the patient’s pressing psychosocial stressors.

is alcoholism a mental illness

For example, a patient who exhibits psychiatric symptoms and signs only during recurrent alcohol use and after he or she has met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence is likely to have an alcohol-induced psychiatric condition. In contrast, a patient who exhibits symptoms and signs of a psychiatric condition (e.g., bipolar disorder) in the absence of problematic AOD use most likely has an independent disorder that requires appropriate treatment. Overall, anxiety disorders do not seem to occur at much higher rates among alcoholics than among the general population (Schuckit and Hesselbrock 1994). For example, results from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area survey indicated that among patients who met the lifetime diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence, 19.4 percent also carried a lifetime diagnosis of any anxiety disorder. This corresponds to only about 1.5 times the rate for anxiety disorders in the general population (Regier et al. 1990; Kranzler 1996). Specific anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, social phobia, and PTSD, however, appear to have an increased co-occurrence with alcoholism (Schuckit et al. 1997b; Kranzler 1996; Brady et al. 1995).

These tools include brief screening tests, such as the CAGE and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). Other standard detection approaches include assessment using more than one type of information (e.g., patient self-reports combined with laboratory tests) and information from multiple sources (e.g., family members or friends) (Drake et al. 1993a). In addition, Rosenberg and colleagues (1996) recently developed a screening instrument, the Dartmouth Assessment of Lifestyle Instrument, that detects AOD-use disorders in psychiatric patients with greater accuracy than other instruments. Data regarding the course and outcome of co-occurring mental illness and AUD are accumulating rapidly.

Alcoholism, while not officially designated as a mental illness by the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) ¹, is closely linked to mental health. Individuals with alcoholism often have concurrent mental dandruff symptoms and causes disorders like depression. Once a working diagnosis has been established, it is important for the clinician to remain flexible with his or her assessment and to continue to monitor the patient over time.

Some people can drink alcohol—and even over-indulge on occasion—without it becoming an issue. For others, drinking can turn into mild, moderate or severe alcohol use disorder, the term doctors and clinicians now use instead of alcoholism, alcoholic or alcohol abuse. When people stop drinking alcohol, they may experience an improvement in co-occurring mental health conditions. When someone has a SUD and another mental health disorder, it is usually better to treat them at the same time rather than separately.

They’ll recommend treatments and resources to help you recover from alcohol use disorder. As noted previously, for patients with more severe disorders or symptoms, consult a psychiatrist (one with an addiction specialty, if available) for medication support, as well as a therapist with an addiction specialty for behavioral healthcare. See the Resources, below, for an NIAAA tool to help you locate these specialists. According to the NIAAA, alcohol cessation typically leads to improvement in the co-occurring mental health disorder.

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