Hard Fork: What It Is in Blockchain, How It Works, and Why It Happens

hard fork

As there isn’t a centralized party, such as a bank or financial institution, that keeps the sole copy of the ledger, you will also hear that blockchains are known as distributed ledgers. Developers cannot force changes on a public blockchain that relies on participation. Public blockchains rely on their participants, so changes must be implemented by them, not forced upon them. Otherwise, they can refuse to accept the changes and keep their preferred version.

Examples of a Bitcoin soft and hard fork

The Bitcoin Cash hard fork is the result of a rift in the developer community. The new currency, Bitcoin SV (BCHSV) will exist on a seperate blockchain. The hard form of Ethereum vs Ethereum Classic came about as the result of a $55 million cryptocurrency hack.

Bitcoin Classic (

  • Poloniex listed this currency also, and some of the Ethereum community decided to keep this version and created Ethereum Classic.
  • Once created, miners and participants of Bitcoin Cash could exchange their Bitcoin for an equal value of Bitcoin Cash if choosing to embrace the new cryptocurrency.
  • The developers aren’t breaking into your home and coercing you to download the Bitcoin Core binaries at gunpoint.
  • While it might seem like you’ve just been given a new cryptocurrency for free, this does come at a cost.

What if the next block is validated by a node running an older version of the protocol? It will try to add its block to the blockchain, but it will detect that the latest block is not valid. So, it will ignore that block and attach its new validation to the previous one. For instance, if the block size limit were to be increased from 1MB to 4MB, a 2MB block would be accepted by nodes running the new version, but rejected by nodes running the older version.

The upgrade incorporates four optimizations aimed at gas efficiency and improved security.

hard fork

And because all of this is digital, it involves lots of software. That software establishes a cryptocurrency “protocol.” Protocols set the rules that everyone has to agree upon to use the blockchain and accept the validity of its memory, or ledger. Accidental forks happen when two or more blocks are found at the same time, and it is resolved when subsequent blocks are added, and one of the chains end up being longer than the other. The blockchain network then abandons the blocks that are in the shorter chain, referred to as orphaned blocks. The miner that mined the orphaned block loses the mining reward and transaction fees but no transactions would be affected as both blocks would have contained the same transactions. Since its introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has spawned a large number of forks.

  • If everyone involved in the network agrees on the blockchain’s fork, it means they’ll all start offering their services to the newly created blockchain.
  • Hard forks are a change in programming that results in a blockchain split.
  • We work hard to make sure your rights are protected by providing you with the high-quality, straightforward and experienced legal representation you deserve.
  • The fork is resolved when subsequent block(s) are added and one of the chains becomes longer than the alternative(s).
  • The new blockchain was called Bitcoin Cash, or BCH, with a block size cap of 8MB.
  • The community seems unanimous—according to Ethereum’s publicly available Github code, a hard fork is tentatively scheduled for July 20.

What Is a Blockchain Protocol?

This was the goal that motivated Satoshi Nakamoto to publish the Bitcoin whitepaper in the first place. Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) have very different protocols, reflecting their divergent ideologies and technical priorities. The older yellow nodes reject them, while blue ones connect to each other. hard fork In 2016, about a year after the Ethereum network was launched by Vitalik Buterin, an organization launched an investor-directed venture capital fund on the Ethereum network. This organization was called “The DAO” and was the first “Decentralized Autonomous Organization”, so it is also known as the Genesis DAO.

What is a cryptocurrency fork?

More Hard Forks To Come

hard fork

What Is a Fork in Blockchain Terms?

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