Alcohol and Weight Gain The Effects of Alcohol on the Body

does alcohol make you gain weight

All condition, treatment and wellness content is medically reviewed by at least one medical professional ensuring the most accurate information possible. More research is needed to fully understand how much alcohol may affect weight and why it may do this. The United States General Services Administration also offers a list of resources for alcohol use disorders. The exact number of calories can vary widely by drink and serving size. And prolonged alcohol use can lead to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. “Excessive alcohol consumption can cause nerve damage and irreversible forms of dementia,” Dr. Sengupta warns.

does alcohol make you gain weight

The Truth About Alcohol And Weight Gain

He’s worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the high school and college levels. He has over 15 years of experience as a personal trainer does alcohol make you gain weight and nutrition coach. He strives to bring inspiration and results for people to live healthier lives through smart diet and exercise.

Alcohol Intake and Obesity: Potential Mechanisms

  • “If you’re trying to lose weight, what you really want to happen is you want fat burning to be turned on as much as possible,” Wyatt says.
  • For example, your adrenal glands, found on top of your kidneys, secrete cortisol, a stress hormone.
  • The MEOS is induced through chronic alcohol intake, and the level of induction increases with increased intake [54, 67].
  • However, a clear cause-and-effect association between alcohol intake and weight gain is not apparent based on the mixed and conflicting available evidence on the topic.

Alcohol is high in calories and is likely to increase abdominal fat. Beyond adding energy to a meal, alcohol may actually stimulate food intake [5]. Of the 17 studies reviewed by Yeomans, ten showed increased food intake following alcohol consumption [5]. One explanation is that there is a learned association between alcohol and eating; however, several experimenters disguised the presence of alcohol in their protocols and still found increased energy intake [5].

The Connection Between Alcohol and Weight Gain

However, more research is needed to fully understand the link between alcohol and weight gain. Alcohol can affect many areas of your health, such as digestion and your ability to think clearly. Perhaps even more important is that you choose to drink lightly or moderately. According to the CDC, moderate alcohol consumption should be about one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Calories in wine

  • Even once you sober up, other physical effects of alcohol can stand in the way of a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
  • However, as long as you keep your calories, macronutrients, and meal timing correct, it could even lose weight.
  • Or maybe you’ve had a rough day and treated yourself to half a standard bottle of Rosé.
  • It also impedes your ability to get a good night’s sleep, further contributing to belly fat.
  • Ensure you eat a hearty meal before going out, and keep healthy snacks on hand if you get hungry.

When you drink alcohol, it’s broken down into acetate (basically vinegar), which the body will burn before any other calorie you’ve consumed or stored, including fat or even sugar. Alcohol consumption isn’t as black and white for weight loss and weight gain. Sure, alcohol contains empty calories, but how your body metabolizes it, your food choices, and the sleep you get to make the most significant impact. Spirits, when drunk neat, can be one of the better choices for alcoholic drinks for losing body weight.

does alcohol make you gain weight

Muscle biopsies were taken at two and eight hours following physical training. Moderate alcohol consumption shouldn’t cause any significant weight gain as long as you do everything else right. But if you aren’t able to eat right when drinking, it’ll significantly affect how you accumulate fat. The study showed that when mice were given doses of ethanol, they increased their food intake over time. The results exhibit how alcohol can activate hunger signals in the brain, increasing the urge to eat. Many alcoholic drinks, such as wine, beer, and liquor, are made by fermenting natural starches and sugars.

Drinking alcohol can impair the functions of your glands that release hormones, which may cause weight gain. The survey also highlighted that the day after passing their tipping point, 50% of people cancel planned physical activity, often replaced with sedentary activities such as watching TV or staying in bed. These numbers are significant; alcohol is a very high-calorie product and provides 7 calories per gram. If you’d like to give us a go, click here to try our weight loss calculator to see how much you could lose with Second Nature. You may notice an almost immediate urge to head to the bathroom after just two drinks.

Cancer risk

Meanwhile, a 1.5-ounce (44-mL) shot of vodka has 97 calories (7, 8, 9). While the calories in one glass of wine don’t seem like a lot, a few glasses pack over 300 calories and a bottle has upwards of 600 calories. Depending on how much you drink, wine can contribute a significant number of extra calories to your daily intake (6). It’s common to enjoy a glass of wine as you catch up with friends or unwind after a long day, but you may wonder whether drinking too much wine can cause you to gain weight. Consuming foods and drinks high in sugar can quickly lead to weight gain.

does alcohol make you gain weight

Studies have also found that your self-control is lower after a poor night’s sleep (7). You’ll also have higher hunger and less satiety after a night of drinking and poor sleep. Of course, this makes it easier to eat bad foods and even more alcoholic drinks. This can cause you to feel tired and groggy the next day, leading to increases in stomach fat. If you’ve ever been even a little hungover, you know how challenging it is to exercise the next day. Lack of exercising can keep you from burning off those alcoholic calories and eat bad foods the night before.

  • If you want to drink alcohol and avoid gaining weight, you can follow the tips below.
  • As a result of their findings, the researchers concluded that heavy drinking should be part of the discussion when it comes to talking about healthy eating and weight loss.
  • However, adopting a comprehensive approach that includes dietary changes, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle modifications are still major factors in helping you lose weight.
  • In general, all levels of alcohol intake can affect digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Furthermore, beer and spirit drinkers appear to have poorer dietary habits in general than wine drinkers [3•].
  • Whether you are a heavy, moderate, or casual drinker, consuming alcohol can seriously impact your waistline.

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